Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Unit 2 Assessment

Learning Outcome 1:

Develop and realise a self-directed programme of learning which draws from wide-ranging subject knowledge. (AC Knowledge, AC Process)

Overall, I would say that my practice has matured in two key ways over Unit 2. Firstly it has become more fluid, approaching each piece as a living part of a journey, rather than a project with a brief. Secondly I have become better at noticing, appreciating, and acting-on what I am experiencing as I make art.

Meaning (and thus, I guess, artistic purpose) has continued to be very important to me, but I have matured in my attitude towards it:

Moving from thinking of a series of artwork ‘projects’ towards thinking of the work as a more fluid interrelated continuous thing (and here):

Becoming more independent in:

Moving from direct angry expression towards seeking more universal

Learning Outcome 2:

Articulate a thorough understanding of your research and establish an informed critical position. (AC Communication)

Learning Outcome 3:

Analyse and critically reflect on your practice and its context. (AC Enquiry)

I have enjoyed strengthening my powers of critical reflection in Unit 2, especially around a number of key topics below, culminating in writing a first attempt at a personal art manifesto to set-out the artist I want to be.

I have been reflecting on the how my work could relate to the world

I have been reflecting on the value of my work to me, personally

I have become much more aware of my evolving aesthetics

I have been building the habit of reflecting on completing individual pieces of work art

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