Wednesday, 24 April 2024

Possible titles for my research paper, the quest begins

INT - a small greasy-spoon cafe off a suburban street. TOMGOS sits at a table drinking a cappuccino and taking occasional bites from a pain-au-chocolat. Enter TATHOS.

TOMGOS (looking up): Hey Tathos, thank you for coming!

TATHOS (pulling a chair out noisily): Hoooowdy! How are you?! Why are we here? Can I order one of those?

TOMGOS: Yes, they sell them there by the annoyed looking bloke in the apron. I'm not buying you one.

TATHOS: Didn't say you were... Although... Anyway...

Tathos returns with a pain-au-chocolat, a packet of Salt-and-Vinegar Crisps and a latte.

TATHOS: So why ARE we here?

TOMGOS: We need to decide on a topic for the research paper, I think I have an idea, but I can't do this alone. I wanted to explain the topic I think we should do.

TATHOS (eating his pain-au-chocolat messily): Sounds good... Ideas are cool. What ideas do you have?

TOMGOS: Well, I looked at our previous blog posts and I think we should look at humour in art.

TATHOS: You make that sound so boring, it's like a skill... We could, or grief? Or death? Or like, animals with death in their names, like the Deathwatch beetle... Death's Head Moth... Like the Silence of the Lambs...

TOMGOS: Focus!

TATHOS: What about masks? Maybe grief and masks?

TOMGOS: I looked at that, there's not much to go on, and it's very tangled up with death masks... I looked at Noh and grief - there was some interesting stuff about the dead, but again, not enough for...


TOMGOS: ... a pa... What?

TATHOS: We should so a paper about AI and how it will change art. Like the camera did! Are we on the cusp of a new era of art? We could interview people from Tom's previous life

TOMGOS: Hmmm.... That could be interesting...

LITTLE TOM: You don't know enough, you'll fail

TATHOS: Fuck off

TOMGOS: Who? What? Who was that?

TATHOS: Little Tom, but you can ignore him

TOMGOS: Ummm, oh... Umm... Ok

TATHOS: We are interested in value in art, there could be an angle there too... NFT art creates a dialogue between the audience and the artist, we could put that in

LITTLE TOM: Not gonna work...

TOMGOS: Is there a Big Tom too?

TATHOS: We don't talk about him, ok?

TOMGOS: Like we ignore Little Tom, here?

TATHOS: No, very not like Little Tom. Please don't mention him ever again.

TOMGOS: Ummm, ok... So, we could do the AI thing, or we could do the humour thing. I'd love to do something with Pope.L

TATHOS: Have you heard of Folka Wolf? The pound shop Banksy... He uses humour a lot

TOMGOS: You saw that in The Guardian!

TATHOS (laughing): Tell anyone and you die!


TATHOS: I really like Yoko Ono's stuff, I wonder if she had anything to say after John's death?

TOMGOS: Just Googling it, and there's some interesting looking links...

TATHOS: Sounds like we have some ideas, let's go and do a pros-and-cons and meet up again?

TOMGOS: Sounds good, give us a crisp?


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