Thursday, 25 April 2024

Research Paper: Humour and blah blah Pope.L and Folka Wolf... Smashed it

 Asked JK a broad question around primary research vs literature-based research and his advice confirmed my own bias - the primary research needed to do an AI thang would be too much for this... He actually said it sounded like the sort of thing you do in a PhD, which rekindled a secret yearning to do a PhD but... Ironically he also said that interviewing an artist would be quite a lot of work... Sigh, that settles it, as I was imaging a bunch of interviews and some experimentation and and... Nah. I THINK I'll do the Pope.L/Folka Wolf thing... and I'm still hoping to get an interview (albeit by email I suspect) with Folka Wolf... Let's see...

So what specifically could I look at? I need to do some digging, but I think how they use humour to deliver a serious message in a compelling way. Another angle would be grief or death related, but I don't know if I have the stomach for that... And actually I think humour is more interesting to me as an artist. I need to go and think and maybe start an outline... Ideally I'd have some sort of angle I guess...

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