Friday, 26 April 2024

"Artmin" vs Art

 Realising that a lot of what I am doing at the moment is 'art-min' - admin for art... I guess there's a spectrum in my mind from most to least creative:

  • Being inspired to create artworks e.g. imaging a mask
  • Early stage artwork drafting e.g. designing the features of a mask
  • Crafting, making and refining e.g. building the features of a mask
  • Less-creative making - e.g. Adding layers to a mask, writing a shader, casting wax heads
  • Buying supplies, filling in exhibition stuff, ordering prints

All these things are a bit creative, and actually the joy of having several pieces on the go at the same time is swapping between - when I'm feeling creative, I can work on something that's in the early stages, when I'm tired or in a rush, I can just do something more art-miny like adding one layer to a mask. Likewise when my mind is occupied by other things like essays...

That said, I need to be careful not to confuse art-min for art - I need a balance of things, and while the things on the list do require some creating thinking, they are much less taxing, but also much less stretching.

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