Wednesday, 14 February 2024

International Manly Crying World Championships

 Bit of fun to celebrate finishing my study statement. It only took one evening:

Exploring using humour and pastiche to make a serious point in an accessible way. Direct feedback was good in that it hit it's mark, and people got the serious point but liked the humour - someone liked the Big-Boi tissues, and someone liked the presence of a beer tent ;)

I used my 'weapons of choice' for quick and dirty stuff - Google Slides for layout, Dream Studio to create images, and GIMP to adjust them. Like anything I do with AI, there's a bunch of images composited together - four in this case - one for each head, one for the trophy, and one for the globe. The trophy came out with writing on, which is asemic, but which is hard to see. I was pleasantly surprised that the globe came out with realistic landmasses on it, but I ended up placing it in such a way you can't see them anyhow - the original plan was to put it (rather cheekily) behind the trophy like a halo, but it proved to hard to make that work with the other elements, so I went for a more conventional placement.

I was unsure if it would come over 'right' - it's broadly meant to satirise the way we make a big deal out of men crying, and how, when they do, they have to do so in a clean, noble, and socially acceptable way (women do too). Could it be seen as being 'anti' male crying? Worse, could it be seen as belittling men who cry? I tested it with a couple of people who assured me it was ok. I also posted it on Insta saying I was "thinking of entering" which hopefully made it clear that I have no issue with crying (quite the opposite) and therefore sign-posting the intended interpretation.

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