Tuesday 13 February 2024

Thomas J Price on changing minds through art

Good read in the Guardian this morning - "Black British artists can no longer be ignored, says sculptor Thomas J Price". I wish I shared his belief in change, scepticism is the disease of my generation, but I seem to have it worse when it comes to believing in change? So many things feel like they should change, but self-interest, power, and the tragedy of the commons keeps it from doing so... Carolyn wouldn't be impressed, she believed in people and in change. And history shows things can change, although history also shows they rarely do so because ordinary people want them to... ANYWAY...

I thought this quote was worth pulling out:

“In art, if you can get people thinking, they’re then inclined to ask questions. I hope they bring that into their daily lives, so when they’re told something or a lazy trope is used they now question it”.

I hope that's true.

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