Saturday 2 March 2024

Next mask: "Acceptance" or "Guilt"

 I think I'm going to call "Regret" done, for now:

I'm pleased with it, but it needs the rest of the set... I've already almost created the 'blank' for the next one (I didn't even cut my face that badly!). I was going to do 'Acceptance' next as it's fairly easy as the plan is for most of the face to be covered by some form of 'accretion', but reflecting on a walk (yay walking), I think it would be cool to make 'Acceptance' look like it incorporates elements of all the other masks - almost like an 'after' mask. So it would make sense to do it last... So the next 'easiest' mask is probably 'Guilt'. My plan is to have the face covered by the hands, with the fingers digging into the skin... 

BUT this creates an interesting question: do I want them to be wearable? My head says 'nah', my heart say 'yes'... And I'm 1) heeding JK's words on the power of constraints and 2) trying to listen to my heart more... 

So then that gives me an interesting challenge to explore - if it's going to be worn I need:

  1. At least one working eye(!) - plan is to have a 'finger' poking into one eye
  2. For the 'hands' to make sense dangling from someone's face...

My current thinking is to make them 'hand-line' instead - maybe like hand-shaped spider crabs... Or maybe metal gauntlets... Dunno... Definitely some sort of fingers, and definitely some sort of spikes. Need to further process and ferment... Why spider crabs? Not sure, but I guess decay. Why gauntlets? Dunno, but I guess agression, plus the 'armour' vibe of the first mask... Other ideas include some sort of spiky plant

Also thinking of embedding fake barbed wire in the 'skin' to mirror Regret's crown, also it's gross and I'm drawn to gross... I don't know why I need to shock - I don't THINK it's a childish urge, or a play for attention, I think it's a way to express the anger and pain I feel.

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