Saturday 13 January 2024

Submitted "Alone" to Royal Academy Summer Show

 Submitted without any real expectation... 

Interestingly, I had to do quite a lot of work to the image before submission - in a moment of common sense, I created a high-res version of the original, and examined it on-screen at around "life size". Doing so revealed that the image looked ok small (pretty much identical to the image above), but at "life size", lots of artefacts showed up - the tree-line the background looked terrible, and the hedge to the left looked like a primary-school level fractal art project... I spent around 4 hours adding more trees to the treeline at the back, adding trunks to the trees, adding randomness to the branching, and making the grass less regular. At the end of it, you couldn't see much difference when looking at the whole image, but when you zoomed in, when you could see a world of difference!

Lesson learnt - ALWAYS make sure you can produce a hi-res version of exhibition, and always check it close to 1:1 size before printing - even digital art has a natural 'size', and that size is often a lot smaller than you would print for an exhibition.

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