Saturday 13 January 2024


 Interesting article on metamodernism. I'm not sure if we need more 'isms' but like all classification systems, it did help me to think about how my work relates, and how I would see myself fitting into such a framework. Broadly as I understanding:

  • Modernism: Inspired by scientific thinking, the search for absolute truths - focus on the whole, and the 'true' nature of things
  • Postmodernism: Reaction to modernism, rejecting the search for absolute truth on the basis that all truth is relative - the search for absolute truth is seen as simplistic and perhaps dangerous - focus on the connected nature of things, and the futility of making absolute statements
  • Metamodernism: Reaction to both modernism and postmodernism, rejecting both the search for absolute truth, but also the denial of subjective truth. A recognition that while truth is subjective, it is nevertheless true for the person experiencing it - your reality is all you have

Assuming I've understood it correctly, I really like metamodernism, and I would say a lot of my work is perhaps metamoderist.

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