Monday 15 January 2024

Uncomfortably exciting idea - Is my final output a book?

 Finally starting to get my study statement to un-jam a bit... Still claiming it's a collaboration, but only going with one title, and if I'm honest, my heart's not in it in quite the same way... Writing 'we' and 'our' feels increasingly awkward and superfluous... 

One big break-through was in the outcomes section - I thought about all the material I'm planning to gather (better get to that, eh? eh?) and I suddenly thought "I'm writing an art book"! I LOVE the idea, although it makes me very uncomfortable, which tells me it's probably worth sticking with! 

By 'art book', I'm imagining something like a 'coffee table' book collecting together all the images, photos, interviews, notes etc in once place. I'm hoping it can be a beautiful object in it's own right, but I'm also hoping it's something that can easily be reproduced so I can make a few copies to give away, and maybe even explore having someone publish (gotta push those boundaries, right?)

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