Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Undeliverable Letters?

 Slow but steady progress with my piece for the RA Summer Show. I think I'm close to a name - "undeliverable letters" - probably not quite the mote juste, but close - it clues people into what might be going on, and the letters are both literally undeliverable (you can't send a letter into the past) but also emotionally undeliverable (how could you share such news with someone?).

I was struck by an idea today (probably inspired by something I saw, I genuinely can't remember), and decided to add some 'stray' bits of paper to the edges of the mask, so it looks like the face is almost 'emerging' from loose paper. I did a rough prototype to see what it might look like:

It's not perfect (neither is the photography) but I already like the idea a lot. I think it makes it more dynamic, less mask-like, less "Castle Fine Art", but it also gives me the ability to add more paper after the mask has been demoulded, potentially giving me a second bite at the cherry if the moulded stage isn't very legible/interesting. The above is my rough prototype (the one I applied the letter to after it had been demoulded), now I will try with my good prototype (the one I moulded directly from fake letter material). I will also make sure I match the paper colour, and I have written an actual letter to use. The actual letter was intended to be just 'free writing' but ended up being a bit more 'raw' than I expected. My writing is almost illegible even to me, so there's no point posting it, but it concluded with "we gather the pieces from the floor, the ones we can find, and play on as best we can".

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