Monday 6 May 2024

Some of us have to float the other way!

I drift through the warm still air of the rococo hall, unexpectedly well-lit, but a little shabby. Freed from my body at last, I float and waft, twist and drift. Around me, the other disembodied forms of those  labelled the 'good' by some unseen author, drift too. Evil is defeated, victory is ours. 

Slowly, like popcorn popping in slow motion, they begin bursting into firework nebulae of gold.

Finally, in this moment, they will come together, to find the ultimate state as a merged entity of unconscious unknowing bliss. The glowing amalgamation floats closer, waiting for me to surrender my identity. And in a moment, I know I cannot. This is not who I am. 

With a twist I propel myself away through the air towards the walls, calling over my shoulder "Sorry! Some of us have to float the other way!". The entity watches me go, with wry amusement. I am ever the trickster anti-hero. They expected nothing less.

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