Wednesday, 17 April 2024

Virtual Interim Show Board in three.js

 I'm keen to ensure the postcards from my piece at the interim show are not 'lost' - they feel quite precious to me, and I also like the idea of making them accessible to other people. I've been keen for a while to build some sort of 'virtual' board, where the cards could be read. I would allow people to post their own, but I might as well say "write bad shit here" if I do that... I really like the idea of creating some form of 'immersive' experience that could be used at exhibitions in the future, so I figure this could be a great chance to learn VR...

In practice, I think 'VR' here means 'WebXR', and 'WebXR' means three.js... I've messed about briefly with three.js before, so I had the basic set-up, which made it easier. I'd forgotten, however, what a PITA it is to test VR apps, even in a browser - they require https, so you can't just spin up a local server for testing... It can be done with tunneling services, but it's annoying... So I decided to bite off a smaller mouthful, and make an ordinary 3d version of the board, and then faff about with making it VR-enabled once I'd solved the basic stuff like managing setting up the cards, the textures etc

Got the very basic start of something:

Currently working on navigation (VR-style navigation would be really annoying for a non-VR experience), once I'm happy with that, I'll start faffing around with automatically generating the correct number of cards based on the number images available. I suspect I'll have to juggle images somehow - maybe with MIP mapping - I doubt they will all fit into memory, but let's see...

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