Thursday, 11 April 2024

The "eyes" have it! Sorry... Better eyes for Guilt

Building on my previous post, I took the improved eye shape and tried adding it as a sticker over "Guilt" to see what it might look like:

Ok, so I could have done a better job on blending it in etc, but I already feel strongly that I prefer the original eye shape, even if it's not strictly optimal. I suspect if I had planned it in from the start (next time!), it might look better, but for now I'm letting Tathos run things, and he likes the original... Tathos says the new eye looks like the kids's expressions when Tomgos cracks another unfunny dad joke.

One of the interesting things from the noh masks was that they have 'irises' implied by showing the white of the eye, and only leaving the iris as the hole. I attempted to simulate this by sticking a white piece of paper, with a hole cut in it, behind:

My cutting and sticking skills clearly leave a lot to be desired... But I already REALLY like that - it looks so much better than the empty socket. Child 2 saw it and said "ahhh! why have you done that", which I count as a win.

Spurred on, I had another go at using the half-shell 'glass' (read 'cheap plastic') eyes I bought before:

It still doesn't quite look right - firstly perhaps because the eye doesn't fit very well (there's not enough of a 'socket' despite the mask being quite thin there), and secondly because the creepy-factor is probably so high, it distracts from the actual expression...

So I think I need to don my big boy pants, and add a 'white' (sclera) to the eyes - not sure yet exactly how, but I'll probably cover the entire eye, and then find a way to very neatly cut the hole (I see myself buying a craft knife soon).

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