Monday 19 February 2024

Why I put my face in my art (I think!)

 I'm been sort of troubled on some level about the fact that my face keeps popping up in my art. Contra to all my assertions, I couldn't actually explain this aspect of my art. However, I think I have cracked it - I was thinking about how I can't/shouldn't produce art that suggests a 'correct' way to grieve. And, of course, that's the answer, I think, I can only show MY grief in my art - I can't show anyone else's.

It has a neat implication - it makes it clearer when I start to move towards more participatory art - I need to find forms of art that allow people to express THEIR grief/emotions/etc, not somehow incorporate them into my own. I think the postcards do that well - I create the 'canvas', other's add the punch, the masks might be more problematic.

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