Thursday, 1 February 2024

Further progress on mask - on newspaper, wood filler that smells like cat wee, and the joy of making physical things

 Made a bunch of progress on my mask today - getting a bit obsessed I think :-/ In the old days, Mrs G would be there to remind me that I have other jobs to do, but without her I need to exercise more self-control :-(

Gave the whole puppy a very gentle sand, and then applied a layer of newspaper soaked in diluted PVA glue, which took several hours :( However, the finish is looking good, and I love the patchwork effect - I picked the travel section of the Guardian, donated by a relative, because I thought it would have nicer colours!

Once again I had to shove it in the oven as it was seriously wet :-/ I think the sculpting mesh has saved my butt - without it I think the whole thing would have collapsed :(

Once it was dry, I applied a layer of wood filler which smelt like cat wee (in my daughter's opinion) but which was very nice to smear on... Once that's dry tomorrow I'll sand it back down and apply a layer of some sort of paint ready for the silver foil when it turns up...

I'd forgotten how much I like making things with my hands, and how nice it is to have something you can pick up and weigh in your hands and say "I made that!"

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