Thursday 25 January 2024

iPhone face Scans and "Rivers of Silver"

 Somewhere, I can't remember where, I got the idea that I could scan my face and incorporate it into 3d renderings - I think it was because I was thinking about masks and 'virtual fabrication' (i.e. making a 3d art work before I (potentially) make a real art work).  I want to incorporate them into a broader series of artworks with the working title "rivers of silver", which was inspired by seeing the light catch the streams on a marsh beside the road on the way to see my son - that made me think of simulating rivers and texturing them silver, probably inspired by my experimenting with gilding... And because I was driving, I remembered my 'caught on camera' series (which I need to revisit) and I thought of the 'rivers of silver' being tears... I'm imagining doing liquid simulations, but also making masks and silvering the tears...

Anyhoo... My phone camera is broken, but after some research, I realised I could use an app on a friend's iPhone. I imported the resulting PLY file into blender, added a nice silver texture, and got this:

Pretty amazing, right?

Next stop will be a liquid simulation or two, but in the meantime, I did this:

Which Catherine liked so much, she offered to paint it! Very cool :)

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