I've been noodling in the back of my mind how to settle the double study statement, and I was struck today that I often speak informally about my "logical side" and my "emotional side", the former being broadly grounded in my tech and science, the latter being broadly grounded in my artistic side, post-bereavement. For example, logical Tom doesn't believe in bad luck, but emotional Tom always salutes magpies. Both are me, and but there is a slight duality there, even in the moment. Nothing mental health related though (I hope!). In general, I seem to be 'playing' a lot with the idea of multiplicity, like the idea that there have been 3 Toms (so far).
So to lean into this, I think my study statement should be a joint project between Logical Tom and Emotional Tom. To make it a bit more fun, I'll assert they are different individuals, and maybe see how far I can play with that before I get shutdown, and generally push some boundaries ;) The Greeks talked about logos (logical arguments), and pathos (emotional arguments), so I think I'll have Tomgos Grey and Taythos Grey! Each can work with the other, firmly asserting that it's a joint project, and that they intend to submit a single body of work against two (logically identical) study statements.
Taythos Grey (aka Tom) will collaborate with Tomgos Grey, on:
Fucking Inappropriate: Expressing the Socially Unsay-able with Humour and Compassion, using open source technology
Tomgos Grey (aka Tom) will collaborate with Taythos Grey, on:
Exploring Human and Expressive Mark-Making with Open Technology to express the socially un-sayable
Let's hope they don't fall out!
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