Having got a reasonable algorithm for the connections, I started to build up a background image, initially in Inkscape. I updated the code so the pattern would be influenced by the value of a layer below:
However, when I started trying to draw the 'real' image, it became clear that the connections themselves didn't give a good enough impression of the image, so I added a layer to represent the image through a noisy stipple effect. However, this gave too good of an impression of the background, rendering my hand-drawn graphics laughable... So I bit the bullet, and moved from a hand-drawn background in Inkscape, to a photo-collage in GIMP. I also added some warp to the image, so the connections were less straight. After a lot of faffing, mostly lost to history, I got to this:
Which is... ok... ;) It's not quite as abstract as I wanted, but it's a good place to refine further. So tonight I need to pushing the cycle of refinement and review. I want to experiment with making the branches get thinner as they go out, but also use a separate image to drive the connections from the background image, hopefully giving me more control over them...
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