Tuesday 14 November 2023

But why DO I make art?

Starting to think about my study statement has me again thinking hard about why I make art. I suspect there's a (probably valid) school of thought that says "hey sweet cheeks, don't worry, do your thing, babe"... But I do worry. I worry because I think it's (probably) important to know what I am trying to achieve. If I don't know what I am trying to achieve, I won't know which direction I am trying to go in. Without a direction, I'll just swim around having fun, which might be fine. 

Should (my) art have a purpose?

I think art should have a purpose. Without a purpose it's just a hobby. Without a purpose, there's no point. Things I think are important to me about my art:

  • It shares a point-of-view, and reflects my opinions and emotions
  • I'm proud of it and I like having it around
  • Other people see it, and see value in it
  • It makes a (small) difference in the world
  • Other people are affected by it
  • People will exhibit it (or nobody will see it)
  • People will pay money for me to make it (or I can't afford to make it)
I guess, I want to make art for other people, not just myself. That being the case, it needs to have value to them. I think that value needs to be a message, a point-of-view, conveyed by the art, perhaps one that can't be conveyed by words, or not as easily conveyed by words. Having seen the art, they are left with a slightly wider view of the world. I want to make art that makes people think. Moreover, I think I am saying I want to make art that people will exhibit and pay for me to make.


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