Monday, 9 October 2023

Martyred Root WIP (project stack = 2)

 Plodding forward... Getting hard! Decided hair will be too much - a lot of work and then I'll realise it's not nice or subtle and bin it anyhow... So no hair, and if it screams out(!) for it later, I'll add some...

I've also decided to lean into the post-climate apocalypse theme... Added a broken mobile photo that looks like it has fallen from his hand, but which he also looks like he's reaching for. I was thinking of adding a family of mice and calling it something ironic like "Family Life: Britain 2050"... So I've spent a lot of time trying to find an image of a family of mice, or get AI to create one (with alternately hilarious and immensely frustrating results). However, I can't get what I want, mostly because it's very hard to get an image that matches the perspective closely enough not to look terrible... 

So I've decided to focus on just adding some tracks for now... And if that looks ok, I'll see if I can add some mice at the end of them... Decided to do the tracks as footprints scattered along a bezier curve in Inkscape, then exported that, imported it into GIMP and blurred it and made it slight translucent... 

I don't love it, but I don't hate it... And it's late so I'm going to call it a night and look again with fresh eyes tomorrow.

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