Friday, 6 October 2023

Martyred Root WIP (project stack = 2)

 Having some fun in GIMP... Created and saved a mask that isolates the 'figure' and then up'ed the contrast and down'ed the brightness so he stands out (wonder why he's a 'he'?). Searched the internet for a good hand but nothing... Then went to generative AI... for a HAND... So that was a sh*t show... So then took a photo of my own hand. Imported it, cropped it, played with the colour, positioned on the end of the 'arm' and used the eraser to make it look buried, and the clone tool to pick-up some texture from the rest of the 'arm'... Also copied the entire body, flipped it, positioned it and tried to remove material so it looks like it's more deeply buried. The edges left by the eraser look quite smooth, not like the jagged edges of the real root... I wonder if there is a way to replicate that in GIMP? Using a layer as a selection maybe?

Looking pretty good so far (although probably less so at high resolution... I wonder if an AI based upscaler might fix that?). Tomorrow I want to try adding some very subtle wisps of hair using pycairo - mostly to gross people out!

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