Thursday, 12 October 2023

Martyred Root coming together... (project stack = 2)

 Back on martyred root last night... Thinking I'll probably call it something like "What a scorcher: Britain 2050"... I'm very conscious of the conflict in Israel and the fact that this picture looks like a corpse in a sandy landscape :-/ 

The last iteration looked a bit empty, so I decided to add some more consumer 'crap' to the image. I found a very nice Starbucks cup (sorry guys), and added that... I tried adding car keys, but they were too small to see. The composition suffered, so I added more stuff - a wallet and credit card... I also cropped it down to make it easier to see these 'details':

I finished last night feeling pretty happy - I'd managed to stop the cup killing the composition (by reducing the amount of glare on it) and I'd got the wallet and credit cards to blend in... But actually my habit of emailing stuff to myself to examine in the cold light of day is important... This morning I'm wondering if I have overloaded it... I also had a sudden idea to add a message scratched into the sand - probably "what a scorcher" instead...

I am starting to feel this is dragging, but I'm also aware that that is a good sign - it means I'm nearly there and I'm into the painful but important details... I'll add the message tonight, and then experiment with hiding different objects and see what looks good - the great thing about digital art is that the wallet can disappear and reappear with a single mouse click, so I can afford to experiment and use judgement!

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