Monday 16 October 2023

Martyred Root aka "What a scorcher: Britain 2050" done... Maybe? (project queue= 2->1)

 Recognising this phase now, where the piece keeps being finish... then not finished... then finished again... then wrong... then finished... 

I think I am there... I've added a couple of elements - a lizard which I think it really needed to lift the image and inject a bit of life, and a newspaper, which I am much less sure of (too obvious? not clear what it is?) but which seems to work really nicely, and also give direction to the satire of the image (otherwise the only real clue-in is the title).

So I think this is it! 

Better post it to Insta before I change my mind... I'll hold off posting to LinkedIn until things are quieter in Israel I think :(

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